Stashing data in the D7 User Object (or... no more magical fairy cruft saving)


A unique and surprising feature of the Drupal user object up through Drupal 6 was that you could throw any crap into it you wanted and then run user_save() and it would be there. So in Drupal 6:

user_save($account, array('some_random_stuff' => 'surprisingly random');

Well, that always seemed way too easy and it was. After a security problem was discovered with this in way early D7 alpha days, it was decided to make this far more explicit and deliberate. Now you have to have implement hook_user_presave() to actually move your data into the right place and prove that you really wanted to do it.

Best practice says that we're going to save settings into the user object keyed by the module name. So if my module is named 'mymodule' in Drupal 7:

$stuff = array('some_random_stuff' => 'surprisingly_random');
user_save($account, array('mymodule' => $stuff);

Git over an ssh tunnel (like through a firewall or VPN)


It's a treasured geek secret that ssh can tunnel TCP connections like ssh all over the internet. What does that mean? It means that you can access machines and ports from your local machine that you never thought you could, including git repositories that are behind firewalls or inside VPNs.

There are two steps to this. First, we have to set up an ssh tunnel. We have 3 machines we're interacting with here:

  • The local machine where we want to be able to do a git clone or git pull or whatever. I'll call it localhost.
  • The internet or VPN host that has access to your git repository. Let's call it
  • The host that has the git repository on it. We'll call it, and we'll assume that access to git is via ssh on port 22, which is very common for git repos with commit access.

Step 1: Set up a tunnel (in one window). ssh

Drupal 7 Render Arrays (and the new Render Example)


If you're like me you've heard "render arrays" or "renderable arrays" over and over again in the Drupal 7 development cycle, but you might not have really understood what it was all about. Here are the results of my own exploration in developing the new Render Example for the Examples project.

Remember the Form API? Or the content section of a $node or a $user in Drupal 6? Basically now everything is kept in a form like that until the very last minute in D7.

What's this about "rendering"?

Rendering in the Drupal world means turning structured "render" arrays into HTML.

What is a render array?

A render array is a classic Drupal structured array that provides data (probably nested) along with hints as to how it should be rendered (properties, like #type). A page array might look like this:

Coolest modules (and theme) of the week


I met some incredibly cool new modules (and a theme) this week that have really increased my range as a sitebuilder. You should check them out if you haven't already:
  • Sweaver: Incredibly, this lets you adjust your site's appearance easily and intuitively on the fly. Just diddle with the font! Change the background color of a region, or add a background graphic. Incredible.
  • Context: Quit procrastinating. Context is easy to use and easy to understand and will vastly increase your ability to configure the appearance and behavior of a page or section. Seriously. You don't have to wait. It just works. It's intuitive. Try it.
  • @Font-your-face: You can really have a billion free web fonts that actually work in all modern browsers on all platforms. No more weird graphics creation. So easy to use. Again, this doesn't take any time or effort.

Views: Making a view show different content to different users based on role


greggles showed me how to make a view show different content to different users by role the other day, so I thought I'd write it down.

The goal: Displaying different nodes to administrators than I show to just authenticated users and that different than what anon users see. (In this case, I'll show pages to administrators, stories to authenticated users who are not administrators, and articles to anonymous users.)

The strategy: Create three different displays in the view, each of which is limited to a particular role, and each of which has its own filter. The administrator display has a filter that chooses pages, auth user one that chooses stories, etc.

The devil's details: The displays must be ordered by most restrictive to anonymous. The displays are apparently attempted in the order they're shown on the views edit screen. So we need the most restrictive (administrator) first. On that one only administrators will succeed. The next display has the authenticated users, etc.

If you edit PHP code, please work with E_NOTICE turned on!!!


It's a Drupal and PHP best practice to develop with E_NOTICE turned on. Please do.

I installed a new contrib project from yesterday and found a whole bunch of warnings emitted to the screen. It turned out that the developer of the project had not (apparently) been working with E_NOTICE properly enabled in their development environment and so had never seen these. Two of them were actually obvious logic failures. You want to know when PHP is complaining about your code! (Make sure you have error/warning reporting to screen turned on during development too!)

So here's the deal: PHP has a flag called E_NOTICE. In release version of Drupal it's ignored (in includes/, drupal_error_handler()). In dev versions of Drupal and in Pressflow it's enabled. Anybody who ever edits PHP code during development should have this turned on. So you can

Want to help the Drupal Testing Infrastructure? Provide a testbot!


Edit: This initiative wasn't really successful, but since this was written the testbots migrated onto the OSUOSL Supercell infrastructure. The center for information about the testbots is the Testbot project and issue queue.

Do you have some spare computing power, or want to provide some to the Drupal testing infrastructure?

You probably know that every commit and every patch submitted to Drupal 7 Core gets a full test (more than 20,000 assertions) taking 25 minutes on non-trivial computer hardware. So we can generally use more computing power. For the code sprint at Drupalcon Copenhagen, we had 13 machines testing patches so that everybody could get the fastest possible turnaround.

Anyway, it's not hard to do it. You can either install a machine with Debian 5 and go through a simple setup, or just use the free Virtualbox program with a pre-set configuration. That way you don't have to blow away an existing machine's configuration, and you can still return it to its old life after it's served as a PIFR client for awhile. (PIFR is Project Issue File Review).

Form API Changes for Drupal 7, Part 2: AJAX/AHAH Changes


Continuing from Form API Changes for Drupal 7, Part 1: $form_state changes.

One of the many pleasant improvements to the Drupal Form API is that AJAX Forms are now really easy. Really easy. We used to call them AHAH forms, and the concept was the same, but they were so complicated that few people attempted them. In D7 we even changed the name to distance ourselves from "AHAH" :-)

In Drupal 6 you had to make a menu entry in hook_menu() that pointed to an AJAX callback handler that was complete black magic. (See a sanitized example.) People did this part differently, and it was hard to figure out the right way. (If you're doing D6 AHAH, the gory details and resources are here.)

In Drupal 7 there is none of that. But we still have to start with the basics so that you'll understand what's going on:


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